Given the international nature of our university, Università Cattolica is paying the utmost attention to recent developments regarding the Novel Coronavirus 2019 (2019-nCoV) that originated in China with particular reference to the city of Wuhan, Hubei Province.
First we would like to reassure you that there have been no cases of the Novel Coronavirus identified within our community but we would like to pass on the recommendations set out by the Italian Ministry of Health, regarding the precautionary measures to be taken by anyone who has recently returned from China or is planning on returning to Italy in the near future. These people should take the steps set out below.
1) If you traveled to one of the affected regions and returned less than 14 days ago, you should keep away from places where there are lots of people. This precaution is to be taken for at least 14 days after arrival in Italy and if, after 14 days, no symptoms have manifested themselves, then you may suspend this precautionary measure.
2) If you show any typical symptoms of a common cold or flu such as a high temperature, coughing or difficulty in breathing you must report this immediately to a healthcare provider or contact the Italian Ministry of Health via their toll-free number - 1500. You can choose to speak to the operator at this number in either Italian, Chinese or English.
Anyone planning to travel to China should follow the precautionary measures recommended by the Italian Ministry of Health. Students travelling as part of a Università Cattolica study or work abroad program should contact their program reference person for more detailed information.
Università Cattolica is constantly monitoring the situation we will provide the University community with updated information and advice as the situation develops.

Notice to the University Community